80% Increase Coming to Maple Ridge DCCs
By Mike Harrison | August 2, 2022
At the July 19th Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a staff report proposing amendments to the existing Development Cost Charges (DCC) bylaw which would see residential DCCs increase by 77 to 83%.
The following table compares the current DCC rates with the proposed rates.
Maple Ridge has not increased its DCCs since 2017 and, having just watched the Township of Langley institute a DCC increase of similar magnitude, we have learned context is important. So, let’s look at how these new rates compare to other municipalities, using a prototypical 1,500 square foot (139 m2) slab on grade townhouse as a case study. Maple Ridge’s proposed DCC rate for that townhome would raise the per unit DCC from $18,655 to $33,550. In the City of Surrey, the equivalent DCC rate is $38,790. In the Township of Langley, the equivalent rate is $32,705. So, despite what appears to be an extraordinary increase, the proposed rates are consistent with neighbouring municipalities.
Additionally, the report to Council explains in-stream applications will be given a 12-month grace period whereby they will pay the previous rate if payment is made within 12 months of adoption of the amended DCC bylaw. This provision will go a long way in softening the blow to those developers that could not have accounted for these increased rates when purchasing their land.
The amended bylaw was given First Reading at the July 19th meeting and will now be taken to stakeholders for feedback including a developer’s forum, City’s website, social media and a newspaper ad. That feedback is to be provided to Council prior to Second and Third Reading. Additionally, the Ministry must also sign off prior to the Bylaw being adopted.
For a copy of the complete staff report to council send me a message or email me at mike.harrison@avisonyoung.com.
For more information, please contact
Mike Harrison*
Principal, Development Land Sales
604 626 9547
*Mike Harrison Personal Real Estate Corporation