Darts Hill: The Next South Surrey Neighbourhood Plan to Develop
By Mike Harrison | June 6, 2022
The Darts Hill Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP) received Stage 2 approval in May of 2021 and, with fewer significant servicing hurdles than other upcoming neighbourhood plans, it is anticipated to be the next South Surrey neighbourhood plan to move forward with development.
The Darts Hill NCP is located just southeast of the current flurry of construction happening in the Sunnyside Heights and Orchard Grove neighbourhoods of Grandview. The plan covers 329-acres and is generally bounded by 16th Avenue to the south, 168 Street to the west, 20th Avenue to the north and 176 Street (Hwy #15) to the east.
Highlights of the Darts Hill plan include:
- Land uses comprised predominantly of townhouse and low-rise condo designations with minimal detached single family
- Highest density development is contained to the east and northern boundaries of the plan
- A new elementary school for which the land has already been secured
- 4 new active parks and a biodiversity corridor connecting to Redwood Park
With major sanitary servicing connecting through the existing Fergus Pump Station, initially built for the neighbouring Sunnyside Heights neighbourhood to the west, and a top tier developer already in control of the land required for future detention ponds, development in Darts Hill is expected to advance shortly.
Recent approval of the plan, relatively straightforward servicing and a general lack of supply of developable land in Grandview has brought a lot of attention to the area from local developers and builders.
If exploring the neighbourhood for potential development, keep an eye out for:
- Servicing catchments which will impact development timelines within the plan area
- Steeper grades adjacent to 16th Avenue at the southern border of the plan
- An area-specific Development Cost Charge (DCC) to facilitate the civil infrastructure investment required in Darts Hill
To read more about the Darts Hill neighbourhood plan, visit the City of Surrey’s dedicated webpage or read the City’s summary of the plan
For more information, please contact
Mike Harrison*
Principal, Development Land Sales
604 626 9547
*Mike Harrison Personal Real Estate Corporation